Unified Model Records

Claude 2

Type: model

Publisher: Anthropic Released: 2023-07-01 v.1.0.0


General information.

Claude 2
model type
Large Language Model
release date


No relations specified.

Relationship Graph

Relationship Graph for claude2

Intended Use

  • general, open-ended conversation
  • search, writing, editing, outlining, and summarizing text
  • coding
  • providing helpful advice about a broad range of subjects
  • support creative or literary use cases


  • Claude models may confabulate, getting facts wrong or fabricating details
  • Not to be used in high stakes situations on their own
  • Do not currently search the web, operating with data from before early 2023
  • Cannot be assumed to have updated information or web search capabilities unless specifically indicated
  • Multilingual capabilities vary, lower performance on low-resource languages

Evaluation Data

  • Suite of evaluations including capabilities, safety, and alignment evaluations
  • Human preference data to calculate per-task Elo scores
  • BBQ bias evaluations using a multiple choice Q and A format designed for a U.S. English-speaking context
  • TruthfulQA evaluation for determining accurate and truthful responses in adversarial settings
  • Held-out set of prompts including harmful requests and 'jailbreaks' for harmlessness evaluation

Training Data

  • Proprietary mix of publicly available internet data, licensed datasets, and data shared by users or crowd workers
  • Some human feedback data used for fine-tuning made public
  • Training data cutoff in early 2023
  • Around 10 percent of the data included was non-English
  • Includes data on recent events up to early 2023, but may generate confabulations

Additional Information

  • Continuous evolution from early helpful and harmless language assistants
  • Use of a Constitution - a set of ethical and behavioral principles
  • Engagement in red teaming and safety audits with external organizations
  • Focus on improving helpfulness, honesty, and harmlessness
  • Ongoing efforts to mitigate bias and ensure ethical use


  • Should be supplemented by human review in high-stakes use cases
  • Not recommended for uses requiring up-to-date web searching
  • Use caution in applications involving low-resource languages
  • Follow the Acceptable Use Policy to avoid misuse
  • Stay informed about updates and improvements for best application practices